Jumat, 05 Maret 2010
IGLA 9K38 MANPADS (Man-Portable Air Defense System)
Range: 6000 m
Target kill altitude: 10-3500 m
Target velocity
in head-on: 400 m/s
in tail chase: 320 m/s
Combat equipment weight: max 19 kg
Missile caliber: 72 mm
Missile length: 1635 mm
Missile weight: 11.7 kg
Warhead weight: 2.5 kg
Time to transfer the system from the travelling position to combat: max 13 s
Jamming immunity: high
IGLA-S man-portable air defence missile system
Purpose: the system is designed to engage front line aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and UAVs under direct visibility conditions and in the night time, head-on and tail chase, in background clutter and thermal countermeasures environment.
IGLA-S MANPADS is a new-generation system featuring considerably extended firing range and enhanced kill probability against aerial targets and possessing a new quality for this class of systems – high engagement effectiveness against small-size targets like cruise missiles and UAVs.
Main features of IGLA-S system:
- enhanced kill probability against aerial targets and increased warhead lethality due to:
- increased HE quantity (by 1.5 times as compared to IGLA system);
- in-depth impact detonation of the missile warhead adjusting the rate of embedding to the approach speed;
- proximity detonation of the missile warhead (in the event of mishit) with optimization of the detonation point;
- detonation of the sustainer’s remaining solid propellant;
- advanced missile accuracy characteristics.
- extended firing range of up to 6.0 km as compared with 5.2 km for IGLA system due to missile improved aerodynamic characteristics;
- night firing capability due to application of a night vision device holder and a light weight night vision device development.
- easy installation on various platforms
Unified modules are the base for:
- formation of “air-air” guided weapon system;
- formation of a mobile air defence missile system of high covertness;
- combination with AD gun systems;
- combination with medium and long range air defence systems;
- formation of shipborne air defence systems.
IGLA-S system is a successor of IGLA missile system family outperforming them in effectiveness, reliability, service life and survivability and retaining their best merits:
- shoulder firing by a single gunner;
- “fire-and-forget” concept;
- high resistance to background clutter and thermal countermeasures;
- easy aiming and launching;
- easy maintenance and training;
- high covertness of use;
- retained operability in extreme operational environment.

Company literature on the KBM IGLA-S MANPADS manpackable missile system doesn’t specify the size of the UAS/UAV systems it can engage, but the General Atomics (GA) Sky Warrior and MQ-9 Predator B/ReaperHellfire missile-armed UAS/UAVs, AAI Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems (TUAS) (including the RQ-7B Shadow tactical UAS), Northrop Grumman MQ-8B Navy Fire Scout unmanned helicopter system, and Aerovironment (AV) RQ-11 Raven B and Puma AE mini-UAV/UAS could all be vulnerable to the IGLA-S, and the IGLA-S is definitely a threat to low-flying, slow-moving U.S. manned aircraft like the Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, propeller-driven fixed-wing aircraft like the Lockheed AC-130H Spectre and AC-13U Spooky gunships, the Northrop Grumman A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog” close air support (CAS)/ground attack jet aircraft, and the Boeing V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft.
Lightweight Multirole Missile (a.k.a. Lightweight Multi-role Missile)
The Lightweight Multirole Missile weighs 28 lbs (13 kg), carries a 6.8-lb (3-kg) blast/fragmentation warhead, and is powered by a two-stage solid propellant motor made by Roxel Propulsion Systems (RPS). The LMM has an effective engagement range of up to 4.3 nautical miles (nm), or 8 kilometers (km), and may incorporate semi-active laser guidance to hone in on the target. Aviation Week reports that "target acquisition, designation and tracking are provided by onboard systems, while target confirmation and final launch authority are given by the ground station operator."
American-version a.k.a. Amerikansky RPG-7 / RPG-7V
- Mil-Std-1913 Quad Rail System for mounting combat opics (optical sights), flip-up BUIS (Back Up Iron Sights), aiming lasers/illuminators, tactical white lights, and vertical foregips
- Flip-Up BUIS
- AR-15 Carbine-type Vertical Foregrip
- AR-15/M16 Pistol Grip
- M4/M4A1 Carbine Collapsible/Telescoping Buttstock. Selengkapnya...
Remington Modular Sniper Rifle (MSR)
Remington Precision Sniper Rifle (MSR) Specifications:
Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum, .338 Norma Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum, 7.62×51mm NATO (7.62mm NATO)/.308 Win.
Weight: 13 lbs with 22” fluted barrel and loaded 5-rd magazine, 17 lbs with 22” fluted barrel, scope, bipod, loaded 5-rd magazine, and Advanced Armament Corp. (AAC) Titan-QD Fast-Attach .338 Rifle Silencer/Sound Suppressor.
Barrel Lengths: All calibers are available in four lengths: 27″, 24″, 22″, and 20″.
Overall Lenth (OA Length): 46″ with stock open and extended and 22″ barrel, 36″ with stock folded and 22″ barrel.
Accuracy: 1 MOA vertical dispersion at 1500m (338 LM precision ammunition)
Fire Control: X Mark Pro Adjustable 2.4 – 4.5 lbs drop-in trigger
Magazine: .338 (5-shot and 10-shot), 300 (7-shot), 7.62mm NATO
(10-shot). Teflon-coated.
Stock: Right-folding. Length of Pull (LOP) is user-adjustable from 12.4″ – 14.4″.
Vertical Cheek Adj.: 1 3/4″
Barrel Life: Greater than 2,500 rounds
The Remington Modular Sniper Rifle (MSR), which we covered in June 2009, is a modular, multi-caliber bolt-action sniper/anti-materiel rifle that can be chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum (.338LM, also written .338 LM), .338 Norma Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum (.300 Win. Mag), and 7.62mm NATO (7.62×51mm NATO) calibers, depending on the mission-specific requirement(s). It was specifically designed and developed to compete for the SOCOM (USSOCOM) Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) contract. If chosen, it could potentially replace the “currently-fielded Bolt Action SOF Sniper Systems (MK13, M40, M24).”
PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 fighter
On March 29 of last year (2009), DefenseReview published a story stating that we disagreed with the cancellation of the F-22 Raptor program, and calling for at least 1,000 Raptors, total, to be built and fielded. This is because we knew that advanced Russian and Chinese Gen 5 (5th-Generation) fighters have been under development for quite some time, and will likely pose either a grave military threat to the United States or undermine our power around the world when dealing with Rogue Islamic states/countries.Well, three days ago, the AFP and other international news sources reported that the Russians have just test-flown their latest 5th-Gen, low-observable/stealth fighter aircraft, the Sukhoi PAK FA ((Prospective Aviation System of Frontline Aviation) prototype, called the T-50, for 47 minutes. Under development since the 1990s, the PAK-FA/T-50 is billed by the Russians as matching up well against the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. “It’s going to be no worse than an F-22. I’ve been in an F-22 and I know,” said Anatoly Kornukov, ex-commander of the Russian air force.
Like the F-22, the PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 fighter is capable of supercruise, and should significantly outperform all of our 4th-generation fighters like the F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 series aircraft.